Logged-in Professors have the ability to set, customize, and edit student posting requirements by navigating to Professor Tools on the community page. Once these requirements are set, student Participation Reports will become available based on the set criteria.



Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting Customized Deadlines

  1. Go to your "Instructor Tools" box and select Customize Deadlines.
  2. Set the day and time students must submit posts to receive credit. We recommend just a single deadline per week. However, for accelerated classes more than 1 deadline per week may be appropriate due to the condensed nature of the course.
  3. You can also opt-out of setting up automated deadlines by checking “I do not want to set up automated reports for this course”. 
        • For communities without deadlines, custom participation reports will contain the students’ raw participation data for that period. This includes: Number of Questions and Responses, Total Curiosity Points, and Average Curiosity Points

Can I change the due date after my community has already started?

Yes! When a deadline date is changed after a community has started, the selection will only apply to future deadlines. Any deadlines that have already passed will retain their original dates. 



Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting Posting Requirements

Once deadlines are set within a community, you’ll be able to set the custom posting requirements. Packback will deliver a final point-or-percentage grade every week based on this criteria. This makes uploading grades from Packback into the LMS much easier!

  1. Go to your Professor Tools box and select Set Posting Requirements.
  2. Set whether the assignment scores calculate in points or percent.
  3. Set the number of required questions and responses per deadline. These requirements will apply to all grading deadlines.
  4. Set a Curiosity Score threshold for student posts by checking the “Set a minimum Curiosity Score for Questions” and navigate between the arrows to gauge an introductory, intermediate, or advanced Curiosity Score minimum to set.
  5. Once your Posting Requirements are set, click Save and Continue
  6. If you’d prefer to not specify posting requirements for your community, check, “I do not want to set posting requirements” at the bottom of the page.

After your grading requirements are set within your community, you will be able to generate a participation report two different ways: Automated Grading Period Reports and Custom Date Range Reports

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