How to Respond to Discussion Polls

Packback Instruct is designed to replace your Learning Management System by incorporating all of your student engagement needs through one single platform, while encouraging Packback's principles of inquiry-based learning. With Packbacks polling feature you will be able to have real-time interactions both in and outside of class!

What is the difference between Poll Assignments and a Questions Poll? 

Questions with choices:

  • Poll choices are added as an addition to your instructor's question post
  • Appears only on the main curiosity feed within a Packback assignment. Question posts with poll choices cannot be found via the Discussion Polls tab.
  • Students are required to include a written response along with their selection and will be checked by the AI just like any other post on Packback
  • Responses to this poll are counted in the Packback student participation report

Poll Assignments:

  • Appears only in the Discussion Polls tab

  • Students are NOT required to include a written response along with their selection

  • Responses to this poll are NOT counted in the Packback student participation report

  • Student replies are anonymous to other students

Where can I find each poll type?

Questions with poll choices will always appear in the main feed of the Packback assignment for students to see. 

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Poll Assignements can be found by going to the Polls tab under the Packback Instruct menu on the left hand side


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Step-by-Step instructions for how to respond to a Discussion Poll

Step 1. You can access your instructors' question posts with poll choices by heading to the corresponding assignment it was posted under.

You can access Poll Assignment, by going to the Polls tab under the Packback instruct menu

Step 2. Once an Poll Assignment or a Question with Choices has been created by an Instructor/and or TA, you can then respond by selecting your response to the poll. Click Submit in the bottom right corner to finalize your response!

Step 3. For Questions with Choices, you will then be prompted to select your poll choice and defend your response! 




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