Is my Packback payment reccurring?

No! We charge for Packback access per community, so it's only a one-time payment for each community you are registered for and lasts for the entire semester. There is no renewal charges whatsoever! The only time you'd ever be asked to pay for Packback access again would be if you were to use for another class in future semesters. 

Why does the payment show up as recurring on my bank statement?

Don't worry, it's not a subscription fee!

The reason for the "recurring" tag is because of the way our payments are handled by our payments gateway, Braintree Payment Solutions ( Their explanation for the "recurring" tag is:

For all transactions, Braintree (and all other gateways) must pass along an E-commerce Indicator (ECI) value to let card issuing banks know the type of transaction. Some examples of ECI values are: "e-commerce," "recurring," etc. Essentially, the banks want to know as much as they can about each transaction and the "recurring" value is the best way to indicate to them that the transaction is being created from a card on file. The more information the banks have, the more likely they are to approve your transaction. We've done the research and you will have significantly higher approval rates than you would if we did not pass the "recurring" ECI value for Vaulted cards.

There will never be an automatic charge placed on your account; all transactions will require your verification through a checkout page.

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