Something doesn't work! What is causing the issue?

We're so sorry you're having trouble on the site! Most issues can be resolved by trying these troubleshooting tips below: 

  • Make sure you are logged into your account. If you've been idle on the site for an extended period of time or if you haven't logged into your account in a while, you may have gotten timed out. Check the upper right hand corner of the page. If you don’t see the “My Account” menu on the top right corner of the screen that means you’re not logged in to your account. 
  • Do a hard-refresh on the page. Don't know what hard-refresh means, check out how to do it here!
  • Restart or update your browser. Packback is supported by all of the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple's Safari, Windows Edge and Opera. If refreshing doesn't resolve the issue you are experiencing, we suggest updating your browser to the latest version. While Packback is supported by all browsers, we can only guarantee a great experience on the latest, updated versions of these browsers.
  • Clear your cache. A lot goes on "behind the scenes" to keep a website running smoothly. Browser caching helps your browser store all the resources and files needed for a web page to function for a long time so that the next time you visit the page it doesn't have to do all that work to retrieve it again. Cached data is mainly useful to help your browser load faster. But every now and then it's recommended to clear your cache to free up disk space and computing power while you're browsing on the internet! Check out how to clear your cache here!
  • Check our status page for known issues. We will post upcoming site maintenance or downtime, ongoing critical issues, and other important information that may negatively affect your ability to use the site.

If you try all of the above and you're still having trouble, email us at with a screenshot/video of where you're stuck on the site so we can take a closer look at what may be causing the issue you're experiencing.

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