What is the difference between flagging and moderating?

What is Flagging?

When a post is flagged (whether by our AI, your instructor/TA, or another classmate) that means it has potentially violated our Community Guidelines at which point our Moderation Team will review the flagged post and decide to moderate it or not based off our Community Guidelines. 

How Can I Flag a Post?

If there a question or response in your community that you believe violates one or more of Packback's Community Guidelines, you do have the option to flag it for moderation yourself!

  1. At the bottom of the post, click Options and a drop down menu will appear. Select Flag.

  2. Clicking Flag will bring up a menu that will ask you select a reason for flagging the post based off our Community Guidelines.

  3. Once you've selected a reason, click the Flag this question/answer button.

Why are you flagging this question? modal with the select to choose a flag reason and 2 buttons: Flag this question button in red and Cancel button in grey.

After you have flagged a question or response it will be sent to our moderation queue to be reviewed by our Community Managers. If we agree that the post is in violation of our Community Guidelines then it will be removed from the community. Your classmate will be notified of the removal via email and in-app notification

What is Moderation?

When your post is moderated, it is no longer visible in the feed for your community because it has been removed. If your post is removed we will send you an email and in-app notification explaining why and you'll have an opportunity to Edit and Republish your post to earn back credit.



While the post remains in "Moderated" status, you will not earn credit for it but that does not mean that it has been deleted!

Why Do We Moderate?

Packback is your safe place to be fearlessly, relentlessly curious about what you're learning, and our guidelines exist to make sure that the discussion stays valuable, interesting, and inspiring for everyone in the community. To make sure any questions or answers you post do not get moderated, please review our full Community Guidelines here.

Your post will always retain the same timestamp as when you originally posted it. Make sure to edit and republish before your posting deadline (or whenever your professor pulls their grade report) so that you can still earn your full credit for your participation! If you do not edit and republish before your posting deadline, you risk not being able to receive credit for that grading period. 

Moderation while using Gradebook Sync

If your post remains moderated past the deadline of your discussion, then your original points will not be included in the gradebook sync. If you edit and successfully republish your post after the deadline, just be sure you let your professor know so that they can retroactively push through the grade. It is at their discretion to accept the late work.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Support Team by filling out our Request Form.

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