Continuous Discussion for Students

Packback Questions offers a platform where learning extends beyond structured timelines. Our Continuous Discussion feature allows you to engage with posts and discussions throughout the term, encouraging curiosity and deeper engagement with course material.

What is Continuous Discussion?

Continuous Discussion enables you to respond to any post from the entire term for credit on a current assignment. This feature is ON by default but can be turned off by your instructor. Continuous Discussion promotes ongoing dialogue and learning, allowing you to explore topics as they become relevant or interesting to you.

How Does Continuous Discussion Work?

  • Continuous Discussion is ON by Default: When this feature is enabled, you can engage with any post across the term, as long as there is at least one open assignment.

  • Single Open Assignment: If only one assignment is open, any new post you make will automatically be assigned to that open assignment. You won't have the option to choose a different assignment.

  • Multiple Open Assignments: If there are multiple open assignments, you can decide which assignment your post will count towards. A panel will appear when you start a new response, allowing you to select the desired assignment.

How to Choose Which Assignment to Post To

If Continuous Discussion is ON and there are multiple open assignments, you have the flexibility to choose which assignment your response will count towards:

  1. Start Your Response: Begin by typing your response to a post.

  2. Access the Assignment Panel: A panel will appear at the top of the page once you start typing. Click the edit icon next to the assignment name to open a popup that helps you make an informed decision.

  3. Review Available Assignments: In the popup, you will see:

    • Titles of all open assignments
    • Due dates for each assignment
    • Your progress towards each assignment’s posting requirements
  4. Make an Informed Decision: Carefully read the assignment titles and due dates to ensure your response is submitted to the correct assignment. You can also check your progress under “What’s completed?” to see how far you’ve progressed on each open assignment. This ensures your new post is accurately reflected in your gradebook.

Note: Once a post is published, you cannot change its assignment, so double-check your choice before posting.

What Posts Can I Respond To?

If you're unsure which posts you're allowed to respond to:

  • Explore Tab Instructions: Check the instructions on the Explore tab in each assignment. These instructions will clarify which posts are open for responses.
  • View-Only Posts: Some posts will be marked as “view-only.” These are posts from previous assignments or those that are closed for responses. View-only posts will always include an explanation as to why they cannot be responded to, helping you understand the boundaries of engagement.

Why Can’t I Choose My Assignment?

There are scenarios where you won’t have the option to choose the assignment your response counts towards:

  • Single Open Assignment: If there is only one open assignment, all new response posts can only be posted to that assignment. The option to select a different assignment will be disabled.
  • No Open Assignments: When Continuous Discussion is ON, the only time you cannot respond to posts is when there are no open assignments available.

What If Continuous Discussion is Turned OFF?

When Continuous Discussion is OFF:

  • You can still view and read posts from other assignments, but you’ll only be able to respond to posts from the current assignment you are viewing.
  • The post creation page will not allow you to choose which assignment your post belongs to; it will default to the current assignment.
  • Instructors cannot reassign posts between assignments when Continuous Discussion is OFF. This means you’ll need to ensure your responses are aligned with the correct assignment as you post.
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