Where can I find my community questions and responses that I've posted?

You can find all of the questions and responses you've posted in your community by going to your Learner Profile! This is your hub for all of your activity within your community. It's where you can find your stats, access your Participation Report, and view your posting and draft history.

Follow along with this article to learn how you can access your Community-Level User Profile and where you can find your drafts and posting history.

Step-by-Step Instructions for accessing your Learner Profile

  1. Login to Packback and click My Account in the upper right hand corner
  2. Select My Profile
  3. Scroll down to the section marked Current communities where you will see your communities you're currently enrolled in.
  4. Find the community you'd like to access and click the button that says View Activity Profile

Where can I find my published posts?

When you enter your Activity Profile, you can scroll down and find your published posts just below your community stats. Just make sure the tab is switched to Discussion Posts. Here you will also be able to find your replies to In-Class Polls (if applicable), your moderated posts, as well as any posts you currently have in your Drafts.







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