We've created the draft feature so that you don't need to create a Packback post all in one sitting. You can feel free to come back to it and edit it at any time, and then publish it when you feel your post is in good shape!

Your drafts are stored in your Community-Level User Profile along with your published posts and your Participation Report. Take a look at how you can got about accessing your drafts!

Step-by-Step Instructions for accessing your Drafts

  1. Login to Packback and click My Account in the upper right hand corner
  2. Select Your Courses
  3. Find the community you'd like to access and click the button that says View Activity
  4. Click where it says Drafts on the left hand side and you'll be taken to your draft history.

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Screenshot 2024-06-01 094343.png

How Do I Save My Drafts?

You don’t need to do anything for your draft to save! Your post will automatically save for you every minute. If you want to see when your last draft was saved, there is a timestamp right beside the “Submit” button.


Post editor with the draft auto-saved date and time at the bottom circled in red.

Can I Delete My Drafts?

You do have the ability to delete your draft, but be extra careful when you choose to do this! After a draft has been deleted, it is gone forever. Packback cannot retrieve any deleted drafts. Published posts cannot be deleted by a student, but they can be edited

Remember, drafts will not count towards your grade until you publish them, so remember to publish before your community’s due date to receive credit for your work.

Who Can See My Drafts?

Only you can see your drafts. Your community, professor, and TA will have access to your posts after they have been published.

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