In this article you will find written step-by-step instructions on how to fully integrate Packback into your Canvas LMS using the Secret & Key provided by our support team! If you encounter any issues adding Packback LTI into Canvas, please contact for support.
Step 1: Log into Canvas and navigate to Admin > Settings
- Log into your school’s Canvas instance with your Canvas administrator account.
- Using the left hand navigation bar, click “Admin”
Step 2: Click the “Apps” tab in Admins > Settings area
Select the “Apps” tab from the top navigation bar within the Settings area of your Canvas Site Admin.
Step 3: Click the “+ App” button
- From the Site Admin > Settings > Apps page, press the “+ App” button.
- This will open a form that allows you to configure and add a new LTI-enabled application, like Packback.
Step 4: Select “By URL” within the Configuration Type dropdown
- Open the Configuration Type dropdown and select “By URL”.
- This will update the form to include only the necessary fields to set up your integration.
Step 5: Complete the form using information copy pasted from the integration you created on Packback
- Name: “Packback”
- Consumer Key & Shared Secret: Paste from Packback LTI information you created
- Launch URL:
[NOTE: This is not the same as the Launch URL you will see in your LTI key csv that contains your secret and key. You should use this one instead.]
To set up custom integrations on a per-course level, follow the same steps within the Settings section of an individual course (instead of the Settings page of the Admin area)
That’s it! Professors will now be able to enable Packback as a tool in their courses.