In this article you will find written step-by-step instructions on how to fully integrate Packback into your D2L LMS using the Secret & Key provided by our support team! If you encounter any issues adding Packback LTI into D2L, please contact for support.
Step 1: Click on Gear settings > External Learning Tools
Step 2: Go to the “Manage Tool Providers” tab and click “New Tool Provider”
Enter this information in the “Tool Provider Settings”:
- Launch Point:
- Version: Inherit Global (1.1)
- Secret: The one we sent
- Check the “Use custom tool consumer information” box
- Key: The one we sent
- Name: Packback
- Description: blank
- Contact email:
- Visibility: Check the box for allow users to use this tool provider
- Security settings: Check ALL the boxes
- Select the org units this tool should be made available to
- Select Save
Step 3: Go to Manage External Learning Tool Links > New Link
Enter these fields:
- Title: Packback
- URL:
- Allow users to view this link: Yes
Step 4: Under Key/Secret, select sign messages with “Tool consumer key/secret”
Step 5: Under Security Settings, choose “Use tool provider security settings”
Make the link available to the appropriate org units. Hit “save and close” and now the link will be available! That’s it! Professors will now be able to enable Packback as a tool in their courses.