In this article, you will find written step-by-step instructions on how to fully integrate Packback into your Moodle LMS using the Secret & Key provided by our support team! If you encounter any issues adding Packback LTI into Moodle, please contact for support. 


Step 1: As an admin, go to “Site Administration” >“Plugins”>“Manage tools”



Step 2: Select “configure a tool manually”


Step 3: On the “External Tool Configuration” page complete the following form:

  • Tool name: Packback

  • Tool URL:

  • LTI Version: 1.0/1.1

  • Consumer key: Enter the key that was sent to you

  • Shared secret: Enter the secret that was sent to you


Step 4: Under the “Privacy” section, select “Always” for all three fields and hit “save changes.”


That’s it! Professors will now be able to enable Packback as a tool in their courses. 

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