Who is this great for?
- Instructors looking to gauge student understanding, misconceptions, or perceptions
- Instructors who would like to have a discussion preparation assignment before a synchronous meeting
- Instructors who would like more rigorous polling
- Instructors who would like asynchronous polling
- Instructors who currently ask & pin a weekly question
- Instructors looking to increase direct engagement with students without sacrificing student to student engagement
- Any modality (in-person, online, hybrid, asynchronous, synchronous)
Student implementation:
- Ask 1, answer 3 (or more) per Packback assignment
- One response (from the Packback assignment) will be dedicated to answering the pinned Homework Poll
- Students should answer this Homework Poll Question with as much effort as any other question on Packback, as responses to the Homework Poll are subject to Packback AI (curiosity scoring, flagging) and count as a Packback response in the Packback assignment gradebook
- 15-25%+ of the grade
Instructor implementation:
- Ask & pin one Homework Poll at the beginning of the assignment interval
- Utilize poll answers to guide in-class discussion, review answers, or inform instruction
- Utilize Match & Message to praise top performers & increase engagement
- No additional grading is necessary, as student responses to a Homework Poll are counted as a response in the Packback gradebook, and subject to the automated grading scheme set up by the Instructor
Instructor and/or TA Weekly Workflow
"To-do" on the day after the Packback Questions assignment due date (15-30 minutes)
- Set last week’s poll to "inactive" (this prohibits further responses), and review responses. Inform your teaching!
- Optional: Review Poll Responses in next lecture or use to guide synchronous discussion
- Post a new Homework Poll (make sure it’s active) and pin the poll (so it is at the top of the main community feed)
- Head to the Insights Dashboard and review participation from last week
- Utilize Match & Message to email top performers, students who didn’t participate last week, and/or students who only partially met the requirements of the previous assignment
If you’d like to spend more time on Packback or further engage TAs, we recommend utilizing other engagement tools (“give feedback, feature, and spark) as well as utilizing Match & Message to reach out to students during the assignment window before the due date to encourage early and/or complete engagement.
Still Have Questions?
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Support Team by filling out our Request Form or reaching out to help@packback.co.