Syncing Deep Dives Grades to Your LMS Gradebook

This article will detail the steps to take to sync Deep Dives assignment grades to your LMS gradebook. First, make sure that you have turned on Deep Dives Gradebook Sync for your community. You can find steps on how to do that here.


1. Once you have graded the Deep Dives submissions, head to the Submissions page for the assignment. Click the button on the top right that says Post Grades.



2. If you have not yet imported the Deep Dives grading columns to your LMS in the setup process, you can do so at this step. Just click Yes, Create Grading Column and a new assignment column will be created in your LMS gradebook which will contain the synced grades for this assignment. 



3. At the next step, you can confirm the assignment connected to these assessments.



You also have an option to either post all grades, even for students without submissions who will receive a zero, or to post only graded submissions. 



4. Once this is confirmed, click Post Grades. This will sync the grades from these submissions to your LMS gradebook. When the grades have successfully synced, you will see a green circle with a white check mark under Sync Status on the submissions page.



Have questions?

If you need technical assistance or have questions about the functionality of your Deep Dives with Gradebook Sync, please reach out to our Support Team at




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