Grading Your Students’ Deep Dives Submissions

How Does Grading Work on Packback Deep Dives?

Grading on Packback Deep Dives is “AI-assisted”, but not fully AI-graded. The Deep Dives Grading Assistant uses AI to suggest scores for each of the grading criteria you’ve selected to be included in your rubric. However, you have the final say in your students’ Deep Dives score for each category and can choose to override any score as you see fit.

The Deep Dives Grading Assistant

With the Deep Dives Grading Assistant, our Packback A.I. will suggest scores for each of the grading criteria you’ve selected to be included in your rubric. However, you have the final say in your students’ Deep Dives score for each category and can choose to override any score as you see fit.

Where to find student submissions

Once you’ve launched a Deep Dives assignment and students have begun submitting, you can access these submissions by going to the page for the assignment and clicking the “Submissions” tab. 

  1.  Access your course on Packback. On the left hand sidebar navigation, scroll and click Assignments under the “Packback Deep Dives” heading.
  2. Click on the the specific Assignment for which you’d like to begin grading submissions
  3. From the Assignment homepage, please click “Submissions”. On the Submissions tab, you will see a list of student submissions.
  4. Click the blue “Grade Submission” button to begin a new evaluation. You’ll now see the student’s submission alongside the AI grading interface. 

How to grade a Deep Dives Submission

When you’re ready to grade a Deep Dive submission, here’s how!

  1. Once you’re viewing an individual student’s submission, you’ll see the submission on the left side of the screen, and the Grading Assistant panel on the right side of the screen. 
  2. For each of the AI-assisted requirement components of your rubric, the system will pre-populate the score field with a recommended score from the AI Grading Assistant. You can click See Why next to each Packback Suggestion to read a breakdown.
  3. Review the AI suggestions and make edits to any category scores as you see fit. You are in control of the final grade each student receives!
  4. For the “Content & Ideas” category, be sure to both select the student’s performance level (1-4) and add a score.
  5. Provide praise or constructive feedback on this student’s Deep Dives assignment in the Instructor Feedback field!
  6. Once you’ve completed grading, click Submit Assignment. Your student will receive a notification that their Deep Dives submission has been graded and given feedback by email and within the Packback application.

Downloading your Grades for an Assignment

When you’ve finished grading all of the submissions for an assignment, you can click the red “Download Grading Report” button on the "Submission" tab for the assignment. This will create a CSV file that will be sent to your email and Packback notifications that allows you to see scores by student. You can filter grade reports by “section” after downloading.

Have questions?

If you need technical assistance or have questions about the functionality of your Deep Dives assignment, please reach out to our Support Team at

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