Downloading Your Students' Deep Dives Submissions

If you are interested in downloading your students’ essays to maintain records of their work or upload into other platforms, you can now download individual and all student submissions as formatted .docx files from the Deep Dives assignment page.

  1. Downloading an individual student’s submission
  2. Download all student submissions
  3. Downloading your own submission

Navigating to your Writing Assignment submission page

Before you begin downloading submissions, you will want to make sure you begin on your assignment's submission page:

  1. From your Packback community's home page, click Writing Assignments at the top or from the left hand side panel.
  2.  This will take you to your Open or Closed Deep Dives assignments. Determine if the assignment you would like to download submissions for is Open or Closed and toggle to the appropriate type.
  3. Find the assignment you wish to download submissions for and click into it. This will take you to your assignment page where you can toggle between your assignment Overview, Rubric, and Submissions.
  4. Click Submissions to be taken to your starting point to download your students' essays.

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Downloading an individual student’s submission

  1. To download a submission for an individual student, you'll want to first access their Assessment view. Find the particular student's name and submission from the Submission page. 
    • If you have already graded their writing assignment, click the Score to be taken to their Assessment view.
    • If you have not graded their writing assignment yet but would still like to download their submission, click Grade.
  2. From a student’s assessment view, you can click the download button in the top right corner, which will immediately download a .docx file of the student’s submission.

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Download all student submissions

From the submissions table, you can choose the Download Submissions option, which will send you an email with a link to download all your students’ essays as .docx files. You will also receive an in-app notification once your file is ready to download.

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Downloading your own submission

If you've contributed your own submission to your writing assignment, you can download it as well! If you are looking at the main Deep Dive assignment page, you can click the Download this Deep Dive option, which will send you an email with a to download your essay as a .docx file. 

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