Introduction to Packback's Approach and Recommended Usage Structure

Packback =  Our Platform + Our Pedagogy + People

Our belief is that education is a fundamentally human practice.

The role of technology within that practice must be to enable human connection, empower educators and students, and lift the burden of repetitive administrative tasks that take energy away from teaching.

Because of this, Packback is not just our technology. We couple our software with a guided pedagogy informed by learning science and positive psychology to bring the greatest positive results to student discussion and course outcomes, with the least manual work from instructors. 

Our approach focuses on:

1. Creating motivating learning environments through student autonomy, purpose, and mastery

2. Building critical thinking and curiosity through student inquiry and written reflective discussion

3. Reducing the administrative burden on instructors to free up time for deeper student-educator connections

Your interaction with the discussion as the instructor plays a critical role in creating an environment where student inquiry thrives. And while it might seem counter-intuitive, following our recommended best practices can save instructors hours per week managing the discussion. 


View the next article in this guide: Best Practices for using Packback as an Instructor

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