How can I upload my Packback grades to Blackboard?

Follow along with this video instruction to learn how you can upload your Packback grades to Blackboard. If you'd prefer to read written instructions, scroll down just below the video for an in-depth walk through.



Step-by-Step Instructions for How to Upload Packback Grades to Blackboard

  1. To upload grades from Packback into the Blackboard LMS, go to your Packback community and select View Gradebook

  2. Click Generate Report
    • Grading weekly? Choose the interval for your grading week. 
    • Grading multiple weeks? Select Download full report.
  3. Select Any under role to include students on the roster that have not registered for Packback. To include only registered students, select Student under role.

  4. Choose criteria to include in your report (name, email, LMS ID) that will help you match your grade report to the roster in your LMS.

  5. Click Generate Report. A CSV of the report will be emailed to you. It will also be available to download via your notifications at the top of the page.

  6. Go to your Blackboard page and click the Gradebook icon.

  7. Select Download to download the gradebook template (we recommend CSV as the file type)

  8. Once the file is downloaded, copy and paste the Grade column from your Packback CSV into the appropriate column on your Blackboard template. Save the file once complete.

  9. Back on Blackboard, click the Import icon and drag and drop that updated file into the Drop File area.

  10. Select Upload. You’re all set!
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