How to Setup Match and Message

Instructors will be able to access Match & Message features from two places:

  • From the sidebar navigation, by clicking "Match & Message" under the Packback Instruct features.
  • - OR - by clicking on one of the suggested actions from within the Interactive Insights Dashboard (another Packback Instruct feature).

Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting Up Match and Message

1. Enter your community and go to "Match and Message" on the left-hand side panel.
2. You'll be brought to the section for Community Insights, then select the criteria you'd like to use. Your options are separated into two categories, Student Interactions: 

  • Who hasn’t participated?
  • Who participated but didn’t meet the full requirements?
  • Who was on the top of the learner leaderboard?
  • Who has not yet registered for your community?

And filter those lists by "All time", "last 2 deadlines", and "current deadline" period.

As well as by the Instructor/Community Interactions:

  • Activity and Curiosity Score over time for the entire course duration
  • Activity and Curiosity Score by daywithin each assignment

3. Choose the Status and Time Period from the drop down that appears.

Once all necessary information is input, you'll be able to directly send messages to specific students, based on the data provided by your Insights Dashboard!

Still Have Questions?

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Support Team by filling out our Request Form or reaching out to



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