How to Manage Your Students' Packback Grades

Whether you need to override a Packback score or resync your gradebook, this article will provide educators with instructions on how to manually update student grades.

Take a look below at the instructional video we've created as a visual guide for you, or else follow along with our written step by step instructions for the following grade functions:


How to Override a Grade 

There are instances where you may need to override a score for an individual student or the whole class for a particular assignment. This can be done right in the Packback gradebook! If using Gradebook Sync, always make these changes within the Packback gradebook rather than your course site gradebook. This will prevent the grades from reverting!

Step 1: 

In the gradebook, locate the student within the grading period you wish to override. In the example below, the grading period is 10/16 - 10/23, or assignment Packback #78. 

If the entire class’s grades need to be updated, select “Override Class Grades” instead. You may choose to override grades for all students, students with a non-zero score, or students with zero credit.

Step 2:

Click the pencil icon to initiate an edit for the existing score.HTMG_-_4.png

Step 3:

Input the desired grade and select “Override Grade”.


How to Manually Sync or Resync Grades

If you need to resync grades that had been previously synced to your course site’s gradebook, you do have the ability to perform this action within the Packback platform. Reasons for a resync may include:

  • Reconnecting disconnected deadlines
  • If you have turned Gradebook sync off and on again
  • Syncing according to changes made to the community such as deadline changes or posting requirements updates

Simply head over to your Packback Gradebook and select “Sync Grades”. Please note that this will resync grades for all intervals and may take a few hours to complete!



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