Why am I not receiving your emails?

If you've noticed that you are no longer receiving Packback emails (i.e. moderation emails, registration, Curious Reader Digests, etc.) there could be a few things that might have happened here. You may be blocked from receiving our emails for at least on of the following reasons.

You've Unsubscribed

If so, let us know by filling out this Request Form and we'll get you set up to receive our emails again.

Incorrect Email Information

It's possible that the email address associated with your Packback account has a typo in it or isn't one that you have access to, so our emails are being rejected by our processor. No worries! If this is the case, you can either update the email address on your account so that it is accurate!

Check Your Spam Folder

Our email landed in your Clutter box or the Spam folder. Make sure to check and find our emails in there! A quick search for "Packback" should pull up any emails you've received from us.

The Email May Be Delayed

Most schools have a filtering system in place to prevent your account from being spammed. This can sometimes cause our emails to be delayed beyond our control. If after 30 minutes you still haven't received anything from us let us know so we can help!

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If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please reach out to Packback’s team! Our team is eager to help, speedy to reply, and available 7-days a week. Let us know how we can support you!

Submit a request Or email help@packback.co