We make joining your community an easy, fast, and safe process! Most often you will join your community by accessing Packback through your school's course page. If that option is not available, you can register via an email invite or a community lookup key provided by your instructor.

Below are instructions that lay out how you can join your community and begin posting!


Step-by-Step Instructions to register via Canvas, Blackboard, D2L/Brightspace, or Moodle:

If you're using your schools Learning Management System (i.e. Canvas, Blackboard etc.) to access the Packback platform, all you need to do is...

1. Log into your school account and access your course page.

2. Click on the Packback link that has been made available in your course page. When clicking on the link you will then be directed to the Packback site which will automatically log you into an account.

3. From there you can click on the blue "Join Community" button under the class name.

4. Follow the steps on the screen to purchase access to or register for your Packback community! 

Step-by-Step Instructions to register via email invite:

You'll first want to check your email inbox or spam folder for one from help@packback.co with the subject line that reads "Finish registration..." Once you've found it, follow the instructions below to join your community.

  1.  Open up the email you received.
  2.  Click the orange "Set an Account Password" button in order to complete your profile!
  3.  Set the password on your account to one that will be easy to remember.
  4.  Go to Packback and login to your account
  5.  Go to the My Communities page where you will see your community appear.
  6.  Click Join Community and complete checkout.
  7.  Go back to your profile where you'll now have access to your community!

If you didn't receive the registration email

Please contact our Support Team through this Request Form with the name of your professor and the class you need to join and we'll help you out!

Step-by-Step Instructions to register via Community Lookup Key:

You can get your Community Lookup Key from your course syllabus or directly from your professor or TA. If you're unable to get your CLK through your syllabus or professor/TA, please reach out to our Support Team through this Request Form with the name of your professor and the class you need to join. 

Once you've received it, follow these instructions:

  1.  Go to the Join a Community page
  2.  In the text box, enter your Community Lookup Key and click Find Community (see screenshot below)
  3.  Your community will appear just up above! Click Join Community and complete checkout.
  4.  Go back to your profile where you'll have access to your community!


If you don't have access to your Community Lookup Key

Please contact our Support Team through this Request Form with the name of your professor and the class you need to join and we'll help you out!


I accidentally joined the wrong community, how can I change it?

If you have joined a community for a class you don't belong to, don't purchase access to the correct one just yet! Instead, reach out to our Support Team by filling out this Request Form with the professor and name of the community that you are supposed to be in. We will move you to the correct community within 24 hours!

PS: If you already have an open support request with us, we will make sure to reach out back to you shortly :) 


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If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please reach out to Packback’s team! Our team is eager to help, speedy to reply, and available 7-days a week. Let us know how we can support you!

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