Why am I being asked to pay again?

If you have already paid for your community access but you are being asked to pay again there may be a few reason to why. Below, you will find reasons to why you may be asked to pay again.

You purchased access using a different email address

If you're not seeing your community appear in your profile and you're being asked to pay again, it may be because you were not logged into the account that you registered with. If you're certain you've already paid/registered and even posted in your community, but you're suddenly not able to access your account/or you don't see your community, look up the receipt that was emailed to you with the subject line "Your receipt for..." when you registered! We include your name and email address in it so you can make sure which one you should use. 

Receipt for community access purchase with the customer email circled in red.


For students registering via your course website: Your school may have two different email domains

If you registered via your course (i.e. Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L, etc). The site may have automatically used the email domain that's tied to your course website.

For example: Even if your school has two email addresses such as name@email.tamu.edu and name@tamu.edu, these addresses are considered different at Packback. Make sure to check what email was used by checking your receipt that was emailed to you! The email subject is titled " "Your receipt for..."" and the sender is Receipt@packback.co

You may not have completed your purchase!

If you're being asked to pay again after logging into you account, you may not have completed all steps to purchase access to your community. Double check that you were sent an email receipt. The email subject is titled " "Your receipt for..."and the sender is Receipt@packback.co. This is confirmation that your purchase/registration was successful!

Still having trouble?

If you're still experiencing issues and are unsure why you're being asked to pay again for your community, reach out to our Support Team through this Request Form and we'll gladly help!

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