How can I set notification preferences?

Packback does not currently have the functionality to turn on and off specific notification emails. You do have the option, however, to filter out notification emails from your inbox. Follow these steps to set up a filter:

Step-By-Step Instructions for Setting Up an Email Filter

  1. Open Gmail.
  2. Click "Create new label" from the left menu and enter a name for that label (for example, Packback)
    Left hand side menu on Gmail with an option to create a new label at the bottom.

  3. Then in the search box at the top, click the Down arrow 
  4. Enter your search criteria in the field "From:"

  5. At the bottom of the search window, click Create filter.

  6. Select "Apply the label" and choose the Packback label from the list. Click Create filter.

    Packback as the selected Apply the Label option on the Create filter menu.
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