I'm being told my email or password are incorrect. What can I do?

Luckily this is an easy fix since this error doesn't indicate a technical issue! There are a number of things you could be running into here. Give any one of these options a shot to resolve it!

Is this the email you registered with? 

If you are attempting to use an email that is not currently registered in our system, you will be unable to login. Make sure you're attempting to login using the correct email address. Take a look at any emails you received from Packback and use that email to login. If you find When in doubt, it's usually your school email!

email receipt


NOTE: Even if you have one email address like name@email.tamu.edu and name@tamu.edu, these addresses are considered different at Packback. It is also possible that your professor has already invited you using your LMS email. Make sure to check what email you are trying to log in with!


Is this the password you registered with?

Always make sure to use a password that will be easy for you to remember. If you forgot your password, you can always send yourself a reset link by clicking here!

Does your email or password contain typos?

Check for any misspellings in either field! Our system will not be able to recognize if you've made a mistake in your email/password.

Still having trouble?

If you attempt any of the above and are still receiving an error message, that's okay! Contact our Support Team through this Request Form and they can point you in the right direction!

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