As you come to the end of registering for your Packback community, you'll be asked to enter your payment information to complete checkout. If you are running into an error of any kind, whether that be a "Payment Processor Declined" error or "Something went wrong!", there's a solution to help you out!
Credit or Debit Card Declined
If you are seeing the "Sorry! An error was reported from our payment processor (Declined)" error when you are attempting to purchase access to your community, it's most likely because your bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. You can read more about "Processor Declined" here.
In cases like this, you can get in touch with your bank regarding this issue or use another card at checkout.
Unable to Complete Payment Information
If you're getting stuck at the payment page, issue you're experiencing may be a network or technical error that just needs a few troubleshooting tips to fix, so try out the following steps to help resolve that.
- Double check your payment information and make sure all the boxes are filled out correctly.
- Close out of any duplicate tabs you have open on our website.
- If you auto-filled those fields from your browser, please try to refresh the page and just type in the info by hand.
- Pay attention to the error message on top to see identify what went wrong.
- Sometimes it might be a browser issue so you should restart, update, or change your browser.
Still having trouble?
If none of this helps, please reach out to our Support Team here and we will make sure to find a solution for you or provide you with an alternative payment method!