Your Join Code is the code students can use to search for your community with the Packback system. If you choose not to upload a roster at the beginning of your term, the Join Code will be what students use to get registered. If you are a K12 instructor, for your students, since they don’t always have access to a school email, the code will look different to make it easier for these students to join communities with their own email.
What does the Join Code Look Like?
Typically, it appears as a 10-digit alphanumeric code with dashes (i.e. XXX-XXX-XXXX). K12 communities will default to the shortened CLUK and QR code to make it easier for these students to join communities with their own emails.
Where Can I Find My Join Code?
We've made sure that your Join Code is easy to access but also in more than one location depending on what works best for you.
Your Community Home
You can grab your Join Code directly from your community. Just click Present Join Code on the left hand side panel, or under the Instructor Resources section of the Community Home page. You will be redirected to a page with not only the code, but also the instructions on how to join using the code, which you can convey to your students.
Students can also scan a QR code that will automatically route them into their appropriate community and add them as pending to the community’s roster.
Your Syllabus Template
You can find your Join Code on your syllabus as well. To download syllabus, go to the Download Syllabus page from the Professor Tools box.
My course is connected to my school's Learning Management System. Do my students need the Join Code?
No, they will not need the join code. We want students to connect to Packback through the LMS directly when applicable. Connected communities will default to the roster upload option, since higher ed students typically have access to their school email.
Communities with LTI currently enabled will only be able to import your roster from the LMS or upload a roster for the purposes of sectioning, to prevent students from joining communities directly on our site.
When you visit the roster section of the invite students page or the roster upload by form/file options, we will show a modal asking you to confirm that your students have access to their school emails. If the you decline, you will be taken to the new Join Code page pictured above.
Still having trouble with your Join Code?
If you still can't find the Join Code, or it is not working in any way, hit up our Support Team with an explanation and we will assist you shortly.