In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions for an LTI 1.3 integration in Canvas to create your LTI key and install the LTI tool on your account.
Before beginning this process, please reach out to to obtain the unique JSON URL for your Canvas integration.
Part 1 of 2: Creating the LTI Key
1. In Global Navigation, click the Admin link, then click the name of the account
2. In Account Navigation, click on Developer Keys
3. Click the + Developer Key button and select LTI Key
4. In the popup that appears, under Configure, select the following method: Enter URL
5. Enter the following information into each of the input fields:
- Key Name: Packback
- Owner Email:
- Redirect URIs:
- JSON URL: This will be a unique configuration URL provided by our team. Reach out to if you have not yet obtained this URL
6. Click Save
7. A client ID will be automatically generated and displayed in the Details column. Copy this ID as you will need it in a later step.
8. Enable the developer key by switching it to ON
Part 2 of 2: Install the LTI Tool at the Account Level
1. At the account level, external tools must be installed on the External Apps page in Account Settings. In Global Navigation, click the Admin link, then click the name of the account
(Installing this on subaccount or course level? Start this step on the Admin page of the subaccount or course)
2. Click the Settings link in the left sidebar
3. Click the Apps tab
4. Click View App Configurations
5. Click the +App button
6. Select the Configuration Type drop-down menu and set the type to By Client ID
7. Enter the Client ID you obtained in Part 1 Step 5.
8. Click Submit
9. If the app has already been added to the account, Canvas verifies that you still want to install the app. To continue, click the Yes, Install Tool button.
10. After installation, click the gear icon for the app and select the Deployment Id menu item
12. A popup will appear with the Deployment ID. It will be a few numbers followed by a colon, then a longer string of numbers. Example: 1234:5678901234567
(If this is being installed on a subaccount or course level, a new deployment ID will need to be sent for each subaccount or course installation)
Please email with your Client ID and Deployment ID. We will then reply to confirm that this information has been added to our system and is ready to be used in a course
13. At this point, the link to Packback can be made available by moving it into the Navigation panel for the course
If you have any questions, please reach out to for further assistance.