In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions for a Blackboard LTI 1.3 integration to register the LTI 1.3 tool and create the content placement.
Part 1 of 2: Registering the LTI tool
1. Select LTI Tool Providers located from the Admin panel in the Integrations section
2. Select Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool
3. Enter the following Client ID: 188e4242-0209-4148-bd99-93e6b60a70d8
4. Save the tool by clicking Submit
5. Copy the generated Deployment ID under "Description". You will need this in a later step.
6. Set the Tool Status to Approved
7. Select the following under INSTITUTION POLICIES
a. User Fields to Send must be set to "Role in Course", "Name" and "Email Address"
b. Allow grade service access must be set to Yes
c. Allow Membership Service Access must be set to Yes
8. Send the Deployment ID you obtained in Step 5 to to complete the registration
Part 2 of 2: Create the Placement
1. From the LTI Tool Providers page, hover over the tool you just created (Packback) to open the tool's option menu and select Manage Placements
2. On the Manage Placements page, select the Create Placement button
3. Enter the following information
a. Label: Packback
b. Handle: pbq-content
c. To make the placement available, select Yes
d. Select the placement type "Course Content Tool" and check "supports allow grading"
e. Check the box for "Launch in New Window"
4. Enter the following for the Target Link URI:
5. Click Submit to create the placement
If you have any questions, please reach out to for further assistance.