Below are step-by-step instructions for how to add Packback to your Schoology course and set up gradebook sync for your Packback community.
Add Packback to your Schoology Course
- Log into your course on your Schoology Course
- Click Add Materials at the top
- Click "add file/link/external tool"
- Choose "external tool"
- Click "Tool provider"
- Select Packback and then in the Title field, type Packback, click submit.
- Click the Packback link you just created. Then choose which Packback community to connect to.
Set Up Gradebook Sync
This section is assuming that you have created assignments in your Packback community with added due dates.
- From within your Packback community: once you have created your assignments, click on Gradebook Sync on the left panel
- Switch Gradebook Sync to On and click Save Changes
- Click on Create Grading Columns.
- Head to the Gradebook on your Schoology course page. On the top right of the screen, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the plus sign. From the drop-down menu, click Bulk Edit
- Locate your imported Packback assignments in this list. Their category will be listed as (Ungraded). Click on that drop-down and select the category in which you would like the assignments to appear. Repeat this step for each Packback assignment that has been imported.
- Once completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes
When you go back into your Schoology Gradebook, you will see your imported Packback assignments in the correct category. Once the assignment in Packback has reached its deadline, the grades will automatically be sent over to these imported assignments.
When you create an additional assignment in Packback, follow steps 3-6 again.